Market Day!

I was at Streatham market on Saturday to sell natural body care products to help raise money for project Kili. A few extraordinary things happened:

The market manager let me have a stall for free.

I got talking to a few women who were very interested in charity work for adolescent girls. One of them even had plans of going to Uganda to do some community work in the near future.

Two homeless people put money in my collection tin. I felt bad. They probably needed the money more than my project does but I guess on a human level the act of helping others shouldn’t be done by material comparison. They felt they could help and they did. I’m glad I was there to witness such kindness.

Most people I spoke to wished me the best of luck with my project, which I felt meant a lot more than the sales I made. Someone said he was helping because he knew I was doing the project from the heart and that was all that mattered. 🙂

Well, after being nervous and excited and many other feelings on the day, I made £35 only 😦 but I’m glad I went.


I am raising money to support Plan UK’s girls’ rights campaign Because I am a Girl. It is the biggest girls’ rights campaign  in the world and it has reached 58 million girls since 2007.

Follow the links on top of the page to know more about Plan UK and to donate to my project 🙂 .


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